Many species of birds either permanently reside in Humboldt County or migrate
through the area on their way to breeding or wintering grounds. Besides being part of the Pacific
Flyway, Humboldt is blessed for birding because of its amazing habitat diversity. Within minutes,
birds (and their watchers) can travel from towering redwood forests to lush river valleys, over
mud flats and down to the ocean. These different areas support a tremendously diverse bird
During Godwit Days in mid-April, you can participate in events at locations such as the worldrenowned Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary, the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge,
and Trinidad. It's an opportunity to join kindred spirits and observe Marbled Godwits and other
shorebirds on their northbound journey. In 2022, Godwit Days will be a “COVID Cautious” event
with no indoor sessions. Instead, we're offering a combination of 27 virtual sessions and in-person
field trips limited to 10 registrants each. (In a non-pandemic year, we offer up to 100 field trips,
workshops, and lectures, plus host many vendors and artists in the Arcata Community Center.)
Experienced birders — or anyone interested in learning about our feathered friends — will find
few events better suited to this activity than the Godwit Days Festival.
MORE INFO: 707-826-7050,